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Hello friends –

We have some exciting news – our Education Health Care Plan group successfully completed their practice expedition last week, which is a HUGE contribution to their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award! We were extremely proud to watch them cross the `finish line`.

The expedition

The crux of the expedition was to create a collage incorporating all the training they have been through in order to complete the expedition, so each trainee could reflect on how hard they worked and what they had to do to reach their main goal – which was completing the six-hour long expedition. Everybody passed with flying colours!

Where the expedition took our trainees

The practise expedition took 6 hours in total, and involved hiking through rural countryside, following a route from North Ferriby to Country Park in. The route was planned out by the trainees using their own genius navigating skills!

Activities were completed along the way…

Along with hiking, the group assisted with cooking beans and sausages using traditional camping equipment and each created a collage.

An itinerary was followed…

9.40am: Hiking the route from North Ferriby Church to Country Park Mill

12.00pm: Camp cooking and packed lunches at Country Park

13.00pm: Creating a collage of the walks and DofE activities, still at Country Park!

14.00pm: Hopping on the bus from Country Park via North Ferriby, and finally onto the CASE Training Centre (because we couldn’t walk all the way back again!)

Our expeditioners!

Olivia, Melissa, Lewis, Archie and Sam.

What is the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award?

The DofE Award is an external programme for 14-24-year-olds and involves three progressive levels that learners can work towards – Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level has 4 sections that must completed to win each award, except for Gold – which has 5.

•      Community & Environment

•      Becoming fitter

•      Developing new skills

•      Planning, training for, and completing an expedition (that’s our EHCP group!)

•      Working within a team on a residential activity – Gold only

There are many benefits to embarking on a Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award programme. To find out more information, please visit the DofE website at www.dofe.org

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