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The ICT suite work on a number of projects throughout the year.

They love to Journal! Writing about how they are feeling, where they have visited, what they have enjoyed and what they have made whilst at CASE. Text combined with images produces a wonderful piece of work that is collated and printed to take home in December either as a reminder of the year or a gift for a loved one.

With each project lots of new design and software skills are learned, MS Sway was recently used to create a project on Continents & Countries, this software can be used at home as it is web based. Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, Publisher & PowerPoint) are used on a weekly basis as is Touch Type Read and Spell (TTRS) which helps Service Users gain keyboard skills, learn to read, type and spell at their own pace. Short videos of favourite places to visit have been created using Movavi and the latest skill to learn is creating postcards on different planets using Canva.

The end of October is the start of Calendar creation based on topics that are of personal interest. This is a fun way to learn lots of skills that are used in other tasks and projects, the calendars look very professional when printed and collated. Christmas is always a special time at CASE, ICT create Christmas cards using a mix of free hand art, scanning and integrating into computer software.

Free time within each class enables Service Users to work on projects that they have a vested interest in, enabling them to implement skills previously learned.

Projects going forward:

Using Yahoo email & creating an account, along with Online Safety
CASE Fantasy Premier League Football
Making interactive quizzes & countdown timers
Using Publisher to make fun front cover images
Know the food we eat

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