Growth Mindset for our Trainees
These specialist sessions allow our trainees to open up and explore the mind. They’re a powerful, accessible self-help tool for adults living with learning disabilities.
It’s no secret that negative emotions can affect our bodies and how we feel physically. This is known as a `stress reaction` and it can lead to difficulty concentrating and unhelpful behavioural patterns.
Mind mapping enables us to teach trainees to `catch` negative stress reactions before they escalate. This works by helping individuals to identify how they are feeling and what they are going through at any early stage. We can then work on how to best meet their needs.
We combine Mind Mapping Sessions with:
- Music
- Art
- Storyboarding
Mind mapping helps us to overcome barriers more effectively, leaving us with a better understanding of ourselves. Think of the brain as a muscle that you can strengthen and tone, a portable self-help tool to keep for the rest of your life!