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An update on our on-site kitchen amenities and restaurant services

If you follow us on social media, you’ll have heard the super exciting news that our NEW restaurant is officially OPEN! The trainees have been busy getting stuck in – creating a small-scale menu, trialling new dishes every day, and learning to use the kitchen gadgets we’ve acquired. Trainer Debs has dedicated so much of her time to our new restaurant, so a special `hats off` is in order for her hard work, too. If you haven’t seen the sneak peeks of the kitchen, the uniform, the dishes, the menu, and more… go ahead and visit our social media channels. You won’t be disappointed!

The menu

Our trainees have been working carefully and creatively under the supervision of Debs to produce some delicious dishes. They’ve been responsible for every part of the cooking process – from shopping for ingredients or plucking them from the allotment, prepping, cooking & baking, and cleaning up afterwards. These dishes aren’t on our restaurant menu (yet 😉). But don’t you wish they were? Check our Instagram or Facebook page to find out who made what. Eager for the recipe? Just ask!

Savoury dishes include

  • Dhal pie with broccoli
  • Pizza baguettes
  • Poached egg on toast
  • Toasted cheese sandwich
  • Spinach and ricotta pie
  • Vegetable curry & rice
  • Mushroom, chickpea, and spinach curry

Sweet dishes include

  • Chocolate chip shortbread
  • Chocolate custard cookies
  • Fairy cakes
  • Polish blueberry cake with custard
  • Polish gingerbread cake
  • Rhubarb fool
  • Tiramisu
  • Traditional sponge cake
  • Trifles
  • Malteaser cake

Our trainees say…

Melissa says: “I like to work in the kitchen because I am good at helping others. I am very polite and I love making people feel welcome”

Andrew says: “I love working in the CASE kitchen. I am a team player and cook delicious food”

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