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A brief guide to what Dyspraxia is, including signs and when to seek support

Learning disabilities come in all shapes and sizes, each one presenting itself differently from person to person. While you’ll have heard of common learning disabilities like dyslexia and ADHD, you may not know much about a neurological disorder called Dyspraxia. But what is Dyspraxia? In this blog, we explain what Dyspraxia is, what it looks like, and when you or an individual you care for should seek support for it. We hope you find this information useful and if you have any questions, please call our experienced team on 01482 320200. We always have time to help!

What is Dyspraxia in adults?

Dyspraxia is a form of learning disability that affects motor skills in both children and adults – from toddlerhood right through to elderly age. It is also known as `Developmental Coordination Disorder`, or DCD for short, though most people call it Dyspraxia. It affects not only coordination, but movement, memory, judgment, and the way information is processed by the brain. Did you know that Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has Dyspraxia?

What are the Dyspraxia symptoms in adults?

Unlike other learning disabilities, Dyspraxia presents itself with physical signs rather than mental or emotional ones. If you are an adult living with Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder, you will likely notice these signs and symptoms [1]:

Finding coordination challenging – for example, catching a ball
Difficulty speaking in sensical sentences, often mixing words up
Difficulty drawing, writing, and completing physical tasks like brushing teeth or even waving goodbye
A tendency to trip or fall, which can be mistaken as being `clumsy`
Finding it tough to stand up straight
Feeling tired and having low energy all the time

To read more about the medical symptoms of Dyspraxia in adults, visit the NHS here: Dyspraxia in adults – NHS (www.nhs.uk).

When does Dyspraxia develop?

Around 2% of people have a severe case of Dyspraxia, and according to the NHS, many of them also live with ADHD, Autism, or Dyslexia. Dyspraxia develops in childhood, usually – once a child reaches toddlerhood and begins to learn big milestones.

Will Dyspraxia go away?

Largely, Dyspraxia is a lifelong condition, and unless the symptoms subside during childhood – it is unlikely you will be freed of it as an adult. Many adults living with Dyspraxia seek support by joining a learning disability centre, where they’ll spend time with experienced trainers and other individuals living with the disorder.

Suggested reading for you based on `what is Dyspraxia?`


[1] Dyspraxia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments (medicalnewstoday.com)

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