Going to CASE gives me a chance to get out of the house and gives me a chance to do things that I wouldn’t normally get to do, like how to get a job and learning how to get on with other people. I get the chance to meet people, make friends and also support from staff if I’ve got any problems.

“CASE has been the perfect place for me to pick up new skills. Since I started coming in 2016, I’ve learnt how to make costumes and am currently working on a Star Wars-themed outfit for Halloween. I’m always keen to learn more and give new things a go.
Although I can cook, I don’t know how to bake, which is why I’m going to do a baking course next. I’d love to be able to make cakes at home for my husband and I, so that will be my next challenge here at CASE.”
Shaun has a mild learning disability and struggled to socially interact with others, this impacted on him significantly making him very shy, withdrawn and nervous especially around people or in new situations.

Shaun has a mild learning disability and struggled to socially interact with others, this impacted on him significantly making him very shy, withdrawn and nervous especially around people or in new situations.