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Louise’s Story

Louise is 26 years old and lives with her parents. Louise has a learning disability and epilepsy and she experiences mental health difficulties which impact on her behaviourally and emotionally causing Louise to go into crisis if not supported correctly.

Before Louise came to CASE she spent most of her time at home in her bedroom alone with very little social interaction. Her family supported Louise the best they could however they had their own difficulties to contend with due to additional complex family issues.Louise became very isolated refusing to go out of the house or attend family social gatherings, this caused Louise’s mental health to decline causing her to seriously neglect herself and self-harm.

Louise initially attended CASE a couple of hours a week with support from CASE staff who helped and encouraged her. After a period of time we noticed Louise had started to come to CASE earlier and staying longer than usual, this was a huge positive step for Louise and it showed she was starting to make her own decisions.

Over a period of time Louise continued to increase her hours at CASE until she was eventually attending 3days a week. After extensive and wide ranging support Louise’s confidence increased enabling her to interact and work with others; at times Louise will take part in group activities.

Louise is now a happy individual and has many friends, she is able to communicate her needs and feelings effectively and she understand the support she can access from CASE. Louise continues to have additional support around her mental health and a support plan is in place to ensure any concerns are dealt with promptly using preventative measures discussed and agreed with Louise.

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