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Music, Drama & Film Club

Our activities department runs various activities that engage our trainees in media and performance, both as spectators and performers. This helps the students gain confidence and try new activities which they may not have considered before.


Whether it’s making music or listening to tunes, our new music activities are a great way of bringing our trainees together. Some are learning to play guitar and getting to grips with being a DJ.


From the annual Christmas pantomime, to Sign and Sing sessions, our drama department has plenty of performing arts opportunities throughout the year for trainees.

We hold auditions for roles, which include speaking and acting parts,
and also have a dedicated wardrobe department that make the costumes for performances. This enables trainees from all other departments to be involved in productions.

Media Suite

Fans of the silver screen can take part in CASE’s film club. On a regular basis, our trainees get together and choose a film to watch, before sharing their thoughts on it as part of a group critique.

Reviews of the films are done in sections and cover the age of film, genre, rating, location and characters.

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01482 320200




60 Charles Street, Hull, HU2 8DQ


01482 320200




60 Charles Street, Hull, HU2 8DQ
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