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How to make friends as an adult – over 20 ideas in alphabetical order

It can be difficult to make new friends – whether you’re an adult with a learning disability or not. Whether you prefer to meet new people online or in the `real world`, it’s tough to know where to start in finding other people who are just like you, or those with similar interests to you. Here are over 20 different ideas on how to make friends as an adult. Remember, these are just ideas – not everybody will want to try them and that’s OK ?

  1. Ask somebody if they’re OK – a person can be upset, struggle to carry their shopping, or might be having a hard time settling in on their first day of college. Ask “are you OK?” to see if they need your help. It could be the start of a wonderful friendship!
  2. Be yourself – be your funny, kind, smart self. A great way to attract new friends!
  3. Compliment somebody – whether you say “I like your hat!” or “this is a yummy coffee, thank you!”, compliments are always well-received. And if you have similar tastes, it could mean you’ll be friends!
  4. Dare to be different – everyone is different. If we were the same, life would be so boring! Embrace the things that make you, you!
  5. Express yourself – in a way that feels good to you.
  6. Fancy giving a favour? – Whether you are lending a pen or helping to pour a drink, helping others is a fantastic way of starting new friendships.
  7. Give a giggle – Telling jokes and funny stories is a good way of `breaking the ice` and making people feel comfortable.
  8. Hone in on your hobbies – Football, painting, gardening… go along to a local class or group and you might make a new friend.
  9. Include everybody – No matter how old they are or where they are from.
  10. Join in – on activities, games, and conversations. If you feel comfortable to do so, of course!
  11. Keep spreading kindness!
  12. Listen when others are talking!
  13. Make a card or gift for somebody!
  14. Pop to a party – find a similar interest, Gig Buddies. If you’re not comfortable starting conversations or approaching new friends for the first time, don’t worry. Not everybody is!
  15. Que nicely – Try talking to a friend next to you while you wait.
  16. Remember a birthday – Can you remember birthdays? Wish a friend a “happy birthday!” today.
  17. Sharing is caring – Sweets, snacks, a joke, or a poem. Sharing is kind.
  18. Tell a story!
  19. Understanding – U is for being understanding and patient with others whenever you can. If you don’t understand what they are doing or saying, it’s OK to tell them so.
  20. Wear fun colours – it makes people happy and helps you to `stand out`!
  21. Yes – say yes to playing games with somebody new.

Make new adult friends at CASE

There are lots of places to make new friends – at school, college, or a training centre for adults with learning disabilities. Visit us at CASE Centre of Excellence where a member of our team will be happy to explain the process. Why not give CASE a try? Come in for lunch or a taster session to see if it suits you, but please call us first to arrange.

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