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6 common myths about a neurological condition called dyspraxia, including the truths behind them

Dyspraxia, more recently known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD), is a neurological condition often grouped with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. As with any condition, dyspraxia has many myths and common misconceptions surrounding it.

MYTH #1: Dyspraxia is a mental illness

TRUTH: It is a neurological condition that affects the body’s fine and gross motor skills, and as a result – your mobility, coordination, balance, and posture. To learn more about the condition itself, visit the NHS’ dedicated webpage

MYTH #2: Dyspraxia is the same as dyslexia or dysgraphia

TRUTH: Although all three conditions cause hardship in learning to write and spell, dyspraxia is completely different from dyslexia and dysgraphia, just as dyslexia and dysgraphia differ from one another!

MYTH #3: If you have dyspraxia, you can’t work

TRUTH: People with dyspraxia can have very long and successful careers. Once dyspraxia is diagnosed, you can begin to find ways of helping your symptoms or understanding your version of the condition better. Did you know that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter actor) Florence Welsch (Florence & The Machine lead singer), and famous photographer David Bailey all have dyspraxia?

MYTH #4: Dyspraxia affects your intelligence

TRUTH: It affects everyday coordination, balance, and the neurological function needed to tie your shoelaces, pour a drink, and carry multiple items. To learn more about what dyspraxia is, skip to our blog: What is dyspraxia?.

MYTH #5: Dyspraxia is another word for a `clumsy child` and you’ll grow out of it

TRUTH: Although dyspraxia was once known as `clumsy child syndrome`, it is actually an incorrect description. Dyspraxia means neither clumsy nor a childhood condition, but instead affects the balance and coordination of toddlers right up to elderly adults.

MYTH #6: If you have dyspraxia, you can’t live alone

TRUTH: It may take longer for adults with dyspraxia to be able to live independently, but with support, it is not possible. What’s more, 6% of people in the UK have dyspraxia and 2% of those cases are severe, so not everybody with dyspraxia struggles to the point where they can’t live alone or take care of themselves.

Find support for dyspraxia today

At CASE Training Services, we support adults aged 16+ with learning disabilities and difficulties including dyspraxia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, Autism, and ADHD. Get in touch with our expert Hull-based team and find out how we can support you or somebody close to you today.



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