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Budgeting and money management support for adults with learning disabilities

When we think of additions, subtractions, and percentages – secondary school maths classes probably spring to mind. But, in fact, we use these equations every day when we pay for food, drink, and everyday items. Adults with learning disabilities find it a little more difficult to add the price of two pints of milk and a loaf of bread, how much money they’ll save if a t-shirt is 10% off, or even if they have cash left over after paying their bills. Furthermore, accessing financial services, opening a bank account, or speaking to utility providers about debt[1] can be incredibly hard for them. This can hinder the independence of adults, and oftentimes, they need extra support managing their finances.

Learning disabilities that affect the ability to manage money

These include:

  • Autism
  • ADHD or ADD
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia

Money management for adults with a learning disability

With regard to money management and budgeting, there are lots of ways that adults with learning disabilities can be supported. Here are just some ideas of how organisations can help:

  1. Adults can take dedicated sessions on money and budgeting. At Case, we offer these sessions as part of our Independent Living Skills program.
  2. Carers, relatives, friends, or supporting individuals can help to look into financial services that are inclusive and have policies for learning-disabled adults. For example, a bank with accessibility considerations and support for occasions that learning-disabled adults want to use their services.

A couple of banks we know of:

  1. Or, when accessing financial services, adults can use online resources like Dosh (linked at the bottom of this blog).

Resources for adults with learning disabilities & money management

  1. Dosh (financial assistance for adults with learning disabilities):
  2. National Autistic Society
  3. Mencap
  4. The Mini ADHD Coach


[1] Disability Rights UK

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