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A guide to the cost of joining CASE Training Services, learning disability support in Hull

Are you considering joining a learning disability centre, or if you are seeking learning disability support in Hull or close by? Or perhaps you are researching learning disability support in Hull for a family member, friend, or colleague? Either way, CASE Training Services could be a suitable match for you. We’re located in the heart of Hull – and we’ve got lots to offer adults with learning disabilities.

How much does CASE cost?

It’s logical to find out how much a learning disability centre costs before you commit yourself or somebody you know to join, or even before you enquire about a place. CASE is a registered charity (registration number #1051587) that uses funding to cater for placements based on an individual’s needs.

To enquire about a placement tailored to you, please contact us via one of the following methods:

Telephone: 01482 320200

Email: info@casetraininghull.co.uk

Fill in our contact form: Contact Us

When you join CASE as an adult with a learning disability, your place will be comprehensive of

Meals, which are made during Independent Living Skills class onsite;
Trainer-led sessions with 1-2-1 and group learning support:

You’ll be placed in a designated `bubble` and will attend a variety of sessions every day led by experienced trainers, including…

Creative Arts with Nigel
Functional Skills with Allison Cuthbertson
Independent Living Skills with Debs McEvoy
IT Skills with Angie
GROW allotment with Sally

Learning materials including paper, pens, crafts, and everything you could need during class;
Day trips, activities, visits from special people to aid learning (such as People First Merseyside and JJ the owl, and participation in the DofE’s Award programme.

Where does CASE’s funding come from?

As a registered charity (registration number #1051587), CASE Training Services receives funding. We also raise money in-house via the following methods:

Fundraising & sponsorships

We regularly organise fundraisers to gain additional money for extra equipment to aid learning. Our very own Functional Skills Trainer, Allison Cuthbertson, is due to do a sponsored swim in Lake Bala, Wales, on the 12th of June to raise money for iPads.

CASE also offers sponsorship packages to businesses with a desire to build a deeper relationship with the charity, such as our GROW raised beds package. If you scroll down to the bottom of our homepage, you will see just how many businesses are involved with us already!

When will I need my own money?

We often take trainees on day trips to the marina, the local markets, etc. Individuals are welcome to bring a small amount of money along if they wish to buy a cup of coffee and a cake or a souvenir – but this is not essential. We also have a daily tuck trolley offering healthy drinks and snacks within the training centre – trainees can purchase from the trolley but again, this is not essential.

Joining CASE: Your first steps

Your first step to becoming a part of CASE will be a visit to our excellent training centre, where a member of our friendly team will be happy to explain the process. Come in for lunch or a taster session to see if CASE suits you – all you need to do is contact us via one of the following methods first!

Telephone: 01482 320200

Email: info@casetraininghull.co.uk

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