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Ideas on how to give to charity, from donating old Christmas trees to sharing a simple social media post

Are you eager to give to your favourite charity, but you’ve nothing to donate? Fear not! The vast majority of charities and not-for-profits no longer rely on materialistic donations alone. There are lots of other ways you can support them in doing what they do best – helping others! In this blog, we detail the best ways to give to charity (in our humble opinion ?).

#1: Talk about the charity to your friends

…family members, neighbours, colleagues, pet cat… anybody who will listen! One of the most invaluable gifts you can give to a charity is by talking about them and the excellent work they do. Not only will others feel inspired to do the same, but they’ll know where to turn if they need to access the charity’s services one day. Whether that’s learning disability support, help for homelessness, mental health support, or something else.

#2 Offer your expertise to the charity

Do you know all about autism, or is a relative living with dementia? Or perhaps you’re a whizz with computers or photography cameras? Charities and not-for-profits LOVE gaining new skills and the opportunity to update the information they hold. Knowledge is power, and you can make a difference by imparting yours.

#3 Share social media posts

Social posts are the new leaflets. Share, comment, save, subscribe… any exposure you can give to a charity is greatly appreciated.

#4 Give resources that are intended for the recycling bin

From Christmas trees and old magazines to ring binders and exercise books with a couple of empty pages left, charities are very resourceful with the materials they are given. Budgets are often tight, especially for small or local organisations. Reconsider dropping your recycling off at your local charity, instead!

#5 Shop preloved

Buying second-hand (or preloved) clothes, toys, books, and even furniture is a good habit. It’s great for the environment, fundraises for charity, and saves you lots of money compared to buying new. Does your favourite charity run a shop nearby? Even better!

#6 Go along to charity events

Valentine’s discos, Christmas fayres, Easter egg stalls… events are popular ways of fundraising for many charities. Tag along to show your support, you don’t have to stay the whole time. Who knows, you might come away with a jar of yummy honey or a pack of homemade biscuits!

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