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Hello friends

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a part of CASE, should you or a loved one join us? If you’ve looked into our services before by either browsing our website, downloading a brochure, or contacting us directly – we’ll bet you want to know what we do all week! In this blog, we’re going to let you in on a full week’s worth of activities and fun. Though we do different things every single week, it will give you a chance to get to know the sorts of things we enjoy doing. We hope you enjoy stepping into our shoes, and if you’d like to know more – you can always follow our social media channels where we post daily updates!

A Week in the Life of a CASE Trainee: Week Commencing 13th December


To start the week off right, we enjoyed partaking in a quick quiz. We’re doing a quiz every day this week – they really help to build on our team skills and keep our brains ticking.


Today we celebrated Christmas in Italian style –  with pizza, Christmas jumpers, and movies! Not everything we do here is go, go, go – we like to relax together from time to time! And what’s better than snuggling up in our PJs while watching a classic festive flick? The `Queen` also took over the tuck trolley – so we had lots of fun doing royal waves and asking about Buckingham Palace’s dinner plans.


Mid-week, we got stuck into our festive crafts – paper chains, Pomanders, Christingles – along with some baking – decadent chocolate chip cookies and traditional mince pies! We practise our baking skills often at CASE, and we love gifting our creations to staff members, other trainee groups, and all of our friends. It makes us feel GOOD!


Towards the end of the week we continued to work on our crafts – including felt gingerbread men, Christmas cushions, and wreaths. We generally encourage the trainees to work on their own projects and to harness what they love and are good at. No individual has the same set of talents, and we appreciate that.


On Friday, it was Sarah’s birthday. Celebrating trainee birthdays is one of our favourite things to do and we just love making them feel special with cake and well wishes.

Join us for more

Contact us on – info@casetraininghull.co.uk

Follow our social media channels:

Facebook: facebook.com/casetraining

Instagram: @casetraining 

Twitter: @CaseTraining 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/case-training-services

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