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Hello friends –

Last week, we took a group of our hardworking trainees to visit the NEW Artisan Food Hall which has opened up on the ground floor of Hammonds of Hull department store. It was a little treat for all of us, and we enjoyed it very much!

We were curious to see what the inside looked like, especially after watching the building being developed over time. And of course we wanted to sample the delicious coffees, teas, hot choccies, and cakes on offer! You can’t blame a girl for wanting cake, can you?!

What’s more, the trainees couldn’t wait to sit down and have a break in a gorgeous setting away from the CASE Training Centre. As much as we adore our Centre, a change of scenery does wonders for our mental well-being and productivity – plus it’s important for our trainees to engage in activities that they would normally do when they’re not with us. It’s about building upon their independent living skills every single day, and in all different ways.

Oh, what a time to visit!

Christmas is a magical time to shop, and the Artisan Food Hall was no exception! The displays were gorgeously festive and our trainees loved pointing out the treats they fancied. We tried the hot chocolates, If you live local to Hull, we would certainly recommend you visit the Artisan Food Hall!

Love, Rachel and Debbie

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