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For adults with learning disabilities, it is pivotal that their learning environment matches their needs. At Case, we have trainees with all kinds of learning disabilities and we constantly consider their individual learning needs. In this blog, we talk about how to create an inclusive environment for adults with learning disabilities. Do you have any ideas around how to create an inclusive environment? Get in touch with us via phone 01482 320200 or social media. We’d love to start a conversation with you!

What is an inclusive environment in education?

An inclusive environment in education means having all students (or trainees as we call them), regardless of background or ability, in the same class and learning at the same time. All trainees must be treated equally and fairly, and their needs and wants should be at the heart of any learning.

How to create an inclusive environment in the classroom

When planning any lesson, our experienced trainers look at who is going to be in the class and what their individual needs are.

  1. We spend lots of time one-on-one with our trainees, looking at how they like to learn and if there is anything we can do to support their development.
  2. We understand that everybody – learning-disabled or not – learns differently. For example, some people learn by listening and others learn by doing. We respect these differences while building bespoke activities for our trainees.
  3. We assess whether special equipment is needed, like headphones or extra help with reading.
  4. At Case, we always try to weave fun into any activity we do, which contributes to the comfort of our trainees. Everybody learns differently, but having fun is something we all love doing!
  5. We advocate peer support and encourage our trainees to build friendships and to cheer others along.
  6. We have a `community approach` within our classes, and we chatter, chatter, chatter!

Why is an inclusive learning environment important?

An inclusive learning environment means that trainees can flourish and excel at any task they put their minds to. It helps build confidence within each trainee and ensures they are comfortable and happy while developing their personal and professional skills.

Book a visit to Case

If you are reading this blog and would like to know more about inclusive learning environments, please contact our lovely team on 01482 320200.

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