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Functional Skills Trainer Allison took our EHCP Group to visit East Riding College in Beverley, Yorkshire, where they explored a `real life` adult education setting

During March, Functional Skills Trainer Allison took our EHCP Group to visit East Riding College in Beverley, Yorkshire. Our trainees were able to explore a real adult education setting in-depth – what an incredible opportunity! Allison wrote a first-hand account of the trip to East Riding College… continue reading to find out what happened.

Allison’s blog entry: Our trip to East Riding College

First impressions!

In March of 2023, the EHCP Group went to visit East Riding College in Beverley. We were met by Lorna who told us about the best ‘cheesy chips’ they serve in the cafeteria.  The space was very light and welcoming with lots of colour, comfortable seating, and curves to hang about in.

The teaching spaces

Lorna took us around the site showing us all of the teaching spaces and told us the courses on offer.  The first area we saw was the Engineering Department with its amazing floor of numbers.

In this area, there was an ICT Suite and engineering rooms where students make items and use CAD and the engineering equipment that would be found in a workplace.

The leisure facilities

Between the main area and the Engineering suite, there is a courtyard where students can sit and enjoy the sun or play table tennis.  There was also a swing ball set for students to use.  Lorna explained that students also use the space for other sports when they are not using the facilities at Beverley Sports Centre.

Extra exciting facilities

Located on the ground floor of the main building are the Hair and Beauty training rooms, which include a hair salon that is open to the public, but you have to be 16 to get your hair done there. All of our trainees are aged sixteen and above, so we’ll add this to our to-do list for next time!


From here we went up the ‘rainbow’ staircase to the first floor.  There are also lifts for those who cannot manage the stairs.  One of our learners described the lifts as ‘bonkers’. The doors to the lifts are very colourful and have comments on them. For example ‘The only way is up.’

Find out more

Would you love to learn more about special education for adults with learning disabilities? Get in touch with our friendly team at CASE to arrange a free visit. We’ll even have lunch together!

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