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Our guide on things to look forward to in March – including Pancake Day, World Book Day, and International Women’s Day

The start-of-year slump is officially over, the sunshine is peeking through the clouds we thought would never go away, and it’s almost our favourite flower-filled month… spring! March is an exciting month filled with lots of national days and historical celebrations, and at CASE we cannot wait to enjoy every single one of them. Here are 7 things to look forward to in March – we hope you feel inspired to join in!

1. Pancake Day & Shrove Tuesday, 1st March

This national holiday needs no introduction! This year, Angie’s Group made a total of twenty-five fluffy pancakes from scratch. Plus… Gary won the eating challenge by devouring a whopping FIVE crepes

Toppings we love…

Jams & syrups

Chopped fruit & gloopy Greek yoghurt

Lemon & sugar

2. World Book Day, 3rd March

World Book Day is such an exciting time for adults AND children, and there are so many fun outfits in the supermarkets and shops! To celebrate World Book Day, our trainees will be heading out into Hull to visit the Harry Potter wand display. We might do a little dressing up, and we’ll certainly be discussing our favourite literary reads.

3. World Wildlife Day, 3rd March

This important day is in its 68th year, and it was originally set up by the United Nations to raise awareness of threatened species and those that are being saved. We love observing wildlife at our allotment and outdoor spaces, so we’ll be joining in on this one for sure.

4. International Women’s Day, 8th March

This national holiday is important for everybody of every gender – not just women! International Women’s Day is an advocate for gender equality. We will be celebrating by talking about our favourite female heroes – from Florence Nightingale to DC Comic’s Catwoman.

5. National Pi Day, 14th March

No – we’re not talking about the deep-filled pastry variety! Our Maths trainer, Allison, loves National Pi Day; this UK holiday gives her the perfect excuse to share her geeky numerical knowledge with our trainee groups.

6. St Paddy’s Day, 17th March

Here’s a holiday for our Irish friends… our beloved St Paddy’s (St Patrick’s) Day! We just love dressing up from head to toe in emerald and gold – along with eating, drinking, playing games, and celebrating everything we appreciate from Ireland.

7. UK Mother’s Day, 23rd March

From a kiss on the cheek to making a special cup of tea… showing our mums (or mum figures) that we care is the best! We will celebrate by crafting Mother’s Day cards and gifts.

Fun fact: Did you know that at the start of the month, people say `White Rabbits` three times to their family and friends to bring them good luck? Why not try it with your loved ones!

Suggested reading for you 

The Allotment: February Highlights

CASE Visits Hull’s Streetlife Museum of Transport

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